immagineaereamercatoCesena Wholesale Fruit and Vegetable Market is located in a 60.000 square meters area – 15.000 of them covered – and it is situated in a strategic position in term of logistics and access: the crossing between E45 highway and A1 toll road at Pievesestina industrial district.

Every year about 90.000 tons of fruit and vegetable are negotiated – i.e. about a 85/90 M € business.
Cesena Wholesale Fruit and Vegetable Market total trading is shared in around 48% vegetables, 39% fruits, 11% citrus and 2% dried fruits.
Every year about 90.000 tons of fruit and vegetable are negotiated – i.e. about a 85/90 M € business.

Cesena Wholesale Fruit and Vegetable Market total trading is shared in around 48% vegetables, 39% fruits, 11% citrus and 2% dried fruits.
Most of fruits and vegetables are supplied every day from local growers.